A typical Portuguese class |
I've been stressed out the last few weeks because I committed to preach on the last Sunday of September and then again on the first Sunday of October while our normal preacher is in the States for meetings. I am happy to say that the church got through both of my sermons and even though I felt like I was preaching for a long time I ended both weeks on time! Those of you from Park Place know that didn't always happen when I preached there. Adding to my nervousness was that for the first time in my life I was going to lead Communion, which I felt afterwards was a great spiritual blessing.

Being told in the past that going and playing soccer with a group of Brazilians will help with learning Portuguese, I have been very loyal to play on Wednesdays. Last Wednesday as I was driving to Santos to play I was rear-ended by a car who was rear-ended. After getting out and seeing no damage at first my initial thought was to get back into the car and drive off so I wouldn't miss playing. After taking a closer look I saw that the bumper was damaged so I waited to see what the other two drivers would do. Seeing them immediately get on their cell phones I got on mine to call people who I thought would know what to do. The three of us proceeded to the police station for them to take our statements; instead of practicing my Portuguese by playing soccer I ended up practicing my Portuguese by giving an official statement, making me arrive to the soccer field at the time that everyone was leaving. Everyone I have talked to assured me that I did the right thing and the person at fault has already filed with his insurance company and his insurance has already started the process for us to get our car fixed.
We celebrated Samantha's 2nd birthday twice, once with Izabel's family before church and one with our church family after the service. |
Earlier today, Tuesday, Izabel and I drove to Santos to accomplish three things, each one of them was accomplished.
- At the end of last week I received my health insurance card for our Brazilian insurance; Izabel's and Samantha's have already been sent twice, yet not received. They told us that they would send our cards again.
- We also went to the car insurance agent so we could know where to get our car fixed, thanks to a traffic detour and Izabel's eyes we drove straight to it and have a shop close to our house to take the car to.
- While I was at the police station making my statement they told me that my international driver's permit was expired (even though the permit says it's valid until December) and they pointed out that my temporary Brazilian Green Card was expired (my permanent one should have arrived by now). Thankfully later that evening the officer came back and said that my driver's permit is still valid and they didn't make a fuss about my temporary Green Card. Izabel and I waited over an hour at the Federal Police today to ask about my Green Card only to find out when we got to the desk that it had arrived and we walked out of the building with it.