Saturday, April 13, 2013

Time really flies

We've been here 4 months already! That's hard to believe. I remember on my 6 month trip in 2007 the time seemed to go by much slower, not that I wasn't enjoying myself. To think that if Izabel and I were only going to be here for 6 months; and to know that 4 of those six months would be already passed, makes me happy that we know we have a lot longer to be here.

It is easy to see how quickly time is moving by watching Samantha. She has changed so much since the day we arrived 4 months ago. One of the most encouraging things is that Samantha has remained healthy since we have arrived.

I look forward to getting started with some ministries. What is taking up most of my time right now is reading and studying. I've been assigned some books to read by Aaron on subject of missions and Brazil history. I'm also a couple months into my Portuguese lessons with Raquel. I have had some good opportunities to get to know some of the students at Life English Center, where Raquel and I are using one of the classrooms.

Every Saturday morning, Aaron and Cristiana Brakefield lead any English students who choose to come to practice their English. I've been attending these discussion times simply to participate and introduce myself to the students. I brought my camera this morning and forgot to take pictures during the first session. I took these pictures during the second session.


And because no blog is complete without a picture of Samantha...


Samantha is showing off the traditional Easter candy. Large chocolate eggs usually with toys or other candy inside.

Here are some issues that you can be praying with us about.
  • Pray for us to be sensitive to God's leading about future ministries. We are excited about some ideas but unless God is with us in this we will not be successful.
  • Pray for us as we (re)adjust to life in Brazil. Both of us are experiencing some of the many differences between the countries.
  • Pray for Izabel's mom who is experiencing difficulties getting a needed surgery scheduled.
Thank you for your involvement in the work here in Brazil.